The Directorate of LAUTECH Centre for Research, Innovation and Discovery (LAUCRID) was established in 2019 to function as Research and Innovation coordinating center of the University which is attached to the Vice-Chancellor’s office and headed by a Director.
To be a Centre for nurturing Research excellence and a hub for Innovative ideas that will meet intellectual and socio-cultural needs of the society.
To provide conducive environment for knowledge-based research and innovation; research collaborations, industrial partnership and positively impact on the national and global economies.
Mandate and Functions
- To provide support, mentoring and opportunities needed for researchers in postdoctoral or early career and senior academics to develop their careers effectively
- To create database for Research centers, Research groups, Centre of Excellence and grants awarded to Faculty members within the University
- To facilitate Research collaborations and Linkages
- To source for research grants and facilitate financial accountability in the administration of grants and research-related contracts
- To organize seminars, conferences, workshops, research fair and exhibition
Innovation and Discovery:
To facilitate Patenting and commercialization of research innovation and inventions.
To facilitate and enhance partnerships and collaborations between researchers within the University and government, industries, NGOs and other Tertiary Institutions within and outside the country
Student support:
To organize innovative competition among students in the University
Development and construction of prototypes and sponsoring of outstanding ideas as adjudged by the Directorate